Ulpu ry

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Register description

Register Description Pursuant to Section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999)

Data Controller:

Ulkoministeriön puolisoyhdistys ULPU ry (Ulkoministeriön puolisoyhdistys ULPU association) PL 451 00023 VALTIONEUVOSTO tiedotus@ulpu.fi

Business ID: 1647141-3

Person Responsible for Register Affairs:

Petra Voionmaa

Register Name:

Ulpy ry’s membership register

Basis for Keeping the Register:

Customer relationship or consent of the data subject

Purpose of Processing Personal Data (Intended Use of the Register):

Personal data is used in accordance with the applicable legislation for the management and administration of the membership relationship; for the development, provision, delivery, and offering of services; for invoicing, credit control, and statistical purposes. Identification information for communication purposes is used for purposes permitted by applicable legislation. The data subject has the right to prohibit marketing addressed to them, either by media or entirely.

Data Contained in the Register:

The register contains information belonging to the following groups: the basic information of the data subject, such as name, contact details, date of birth, phone number, and native language; personal identification number for billing and debt collection purposes; information related to customer relationships and contractual relationships, such as contracts, the data subject’s roles in contracts, products and services, their activation and termination dates, as well as sales information; identification and usage data to the extent necessary for the provision of communication, product, or service (e.g., usernames, passwords, certificate or signature data, subscription numbers, and direct marketing permissions and prohibitions provided by the data subject themselves, such as interests; device data and SIM card numbers; contact details of business customers and their roles in the company; and other contact-related information related to the customer relationship).

Regular Data Sources:

Personal data is collected from the data subject upon registration, use of the service, or otherwise directly from the data subject. Customer service calls may be recorded, and other communications, such as email messages, may be saved. Personal data may also be collected and updated from the registers of Ulpu ry’s distributors of products and services, the population register, the prohibition register maintained by the Finnish Direct Marketing Association, and other similar registers.

Disclosure of Information:

Ulpury may disclose personal data of the data subjects in its customer register within the limits and obligations permitted by applicable legislation. Information concerning a person’s name, address, and phone numbers are regularly disclosed for publication in subscriber directories and/or directory enquiry services and occasionally for research and marketing purposes to third parties unless the data subject has prohibited the disclosure of such information. Additionally, information regarding a person’s name, age, address, phone number, gender, native language, and mobile phone number is regularly disclosed to a distributor of mobile phone subscriptions unless the data subject has prohibited such disclosure. Information may be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area as required, in compliance with the legislation in force at the time.

Protection of the Register:

Access to the register requires a personal username and password granted by the main user of the customer database. The main user determines the personal access level granted to each user. The use of the register and logins are monitored. Communication network security complies with the provisions of the legislation in force at the time.

Right of Inspection:

The data subject has the right under Section 26 of the Personal Data Act to inspect what information concerning them has been stored in the personal register. The request for inspection must be made in writing and sent with a signature to the following address: Ulkoministeriön puolisoyhdistys Ulpu ry / PL 451 00023 VALTIONEUVOSTO